An Outline of the topics to be covered in the Program 2024
India’s Most In-Depth Power Bi Program
Connecting and Transforming Data
- Introduction to Power BI Desktop
- Introduction to Power Query and Data Profiling Techniques
- Getting data (Excel and RDBMS, Web)
- Query Parameters in Detail
- Scenario on Web Scrapping Using Advanced Data Parameters for HR Data Analysis
- Scenarios on Connecting Data from the Web Using Wikipedia Website and Data Cleaning Using Power
- Query
- Direct Query vs Import Data Connection Mode
Power BI Desktop Visualizations
- Creating visuals
- Colour and conditional formatting
- Setting sort order
- Scatter and bubble charts and play axis
- Tool tips
- Slicers, timeline slicers and sync slicers
- Cross filtering and highlighting
- Visual, Page and Report level filters
- Drill down/up
- Hierarchies
- Constant Lines
- Tables, Matrix and Table conditional formatting
- KPI’s, Cards and Gauges
- Map Visualizations
- Custom visuals
- Managing and Arranging
- Drill Through
- Custom report themes
- Grouping and binning
- Bookmark and buttons
- Advanced Scenarios on Building Welcome Page for Client
- Button Scenario Using Selection Pane, Bookmark Pane and Buttons along with Toggle Application
- Custom Visual Application for Clients along with Building Custom Tooltip
Modelling with Power BI
- Introduction to Modelling
- Cardinality and cross filtering
- Creating hierarchy in the model
- Default summarization and sort by
- Creating calculated columns
- Creating date dimension in Power BI using calendar functions and its importance.
- Roleplaying Dimension Scenario Using Data Modelling
- How To Handle Many to Many Relationships for a Casino Based Client
DAX Expressions
- Introduction to Dax (how to write Dax and basic functions in Power BI)
- Important Dax used in Power BI along with its applications.
- How to create calculated columns and measures in Power BI and difference in its application
- Scenarios with Questions on DAX & explanation.
- Practical Explanation of Dax with 100+ Dax on Relationships, Cumulative Calculations, YTD, QTD and
- MTD Calculations Along with Building Custom Visual, Use of Variables, Performance Tuning Techniques,
- and Comparing Current and previous year sales
Publishing and Sharing
- Sharing options
- Publish from the Power BI desktop
- Publish reports to Web
- Sharing Reports and Dashboards
- Workspaces
- Apps
- Printing, PDF, and exports
- Understanding Row Level Security and Establishing Security with Regional And Segment Based Manager
- on Sales Data
- Exporting data from visualizations
Refreshing Datasets
- Understanding Data refresh with Practical Installation of Data Gateway
Additional Topics
- Setting up Sort order in Power bi with custom sort order
- Custom visuals and its applications
- Multiple charts in Power bi
- Smart narrative
- Cross filter DAX
- Dataflow
- What if Parameter vs Query Parameter
- Direct vs Import
- web sources
- Parameters in Power Bi
- Dynamic titles in Power Bi
- Quick insights in Power Bi
- Performance analyzer in Power Bi along with guide to performance tune a report
- Templates in Power Bi
- Cross Report Drill through
- Publishing and Sharing dashboards along with notification alert on Dashboards