Dynamics 365 for Operations
Elevate your skills with Dynamic 365 Training
- Introduction to Dynamics AX ERP
- Navigating the Dynamics AX 365 user interface
- Application stack architecture
- Cloud architecture
- IIS hosted metadata walkthrough
- Virtual machine configuration steps
- Visual Studio development environment windows
- Visual studio tools
- Models and packages
- Lab-1: Navigating D365
- Lab-2: Create new model and add project with different models
- Visual studio Team foundation services
- Code check-in and checkout
- Managing work items
Data dictionary and User Interface
- Labels file creation
- Base Enum and EDT
- Tables
- Table relations
- Table index
- Forms
- Form patterns
- Form sub-patterns
- Menus
- Menu items
- Security privileges and duties
- Lab-2: Label file creation, Table creation with Enum, EDT
- Lab-3: Create form with form pattern
- Lab-4: Create privileges and duties for different access levels
X++ programming Basics
- Control statements
- Looping statements
- Important table methods
- Important form methods
- Views
- View methods
- Computed columns in views
- Classes and inheritance
- Runnable classes
- Args object usage
- Data manipulation – CRUD operations
- Data manipulation – While select switches
- Debugger
- Static queries
- Lab-5: Using debugger
- Lab-6: Creating data manipulation
X++ programming Advanced
- Usage of container class
- Collection classes
- Dynamic queries and usage
- Lookup methods in forms
- Number sequence
- Sys operation framework
- Best practices
- Lab-7: Number sequence generation
- Lab-8: Sys operation framework classes creation
Object extensions and handlers
Extension objects and properties
Chain of commands
Event handlers
Best practices
Lab-9: Extensions
Lab-10: Chain of commands
Lab-11: Event handlers
Data entities
- Azure portal walkthrough
- Data management framework
- Data entities creation
- Data import export samples
- Composite data entities
- OData export
- Lab-12: Data entity import/export
- Lab-13: Composite entities
- Tiles
- Workspace
- Lab-14: Create new KPI and attaching in workspace
- SSRS reports with query
- SSRS report with controller and contract classes
- SSRS report with UI builder
- SSRS report with print management
- Lab-15: SSRS report creation
- Workflow overview
- Basic workflow creation
- Workflow approvals and event handlers
- Lab-16: Workflow creation with event handlers
Introduction to Advanced concepts
- Data entities
- Life cycle services
- OData and services
- Power BI