React JS
Basic Knowledge of HTML,CSS,DOM & AJAX
Introduction & Agenda
Introduction to DOM Render Process & Performance
Introduction to Virtual DOM
- Let vs Var vs Const
- Arrow Functions
- ES6 Classes
- ES6 Modules
- Destructuring
- Template Literals
- Rest & Spread
- Enhanced Object Literals
- Default Arguments
- Parameter Context Matching
Your First React Application
- Preparing the Development Environment
- Understanding the React Project Structure
- Understanding the Application Code Folder
- Understanding the Packages Folder
- Using the React Development Tools
- Understanding the Compilation and Transformation Process
- Understanding the Development HTTP Server
- Understanding Static Content
- Understanding the Error Display
- Understanding the Linter
- Configuring the Development Tools
- Debugging React Applications
- Exploring the Application State
- Using the Browser Debugger
- Installing the create-react-app Package
- Creating the Project
- Understanding the Project Structure
- Adding the Bootstrap CSS Framework
- Starting the Development Tools
- Replacing the Placeholder Content
- Displaying Dynamic Content
- Understanding Components
- Rendering HTML Content
- Rendering Other Components
- Understanding Props
- Defining Props in the Parent Component
- Receiving Props in the Child Component
- Combining JavaScript and Props to Render Content
- Selectively Rendering Content
- Rendering Arrays
- Rendering Multiple Elements
- Rendering No Content
- Attempting to Change Props
- Using Function Props
- Invoking Prop Functions with Arguments
- Passing on Props to Child Components
- Passing On All Props to Child Components
- Providing Default Prop Values
- Type Checking Prop Values
- Understanding State Data Changes
- Adding the To-Do Application Features
- Displaying the To-Do Items
- Introducing Additional Components
- Using the Child Components
- Adding the Finishing Touches
- Managing the Visibility of Completed Tasks
- Persistently Storing Data
E–Commerce App – Part 1
- Preparing the Project
- Installing Additional NPM Packages
- Adding the CSS Stylesheets to the Project
- Preparing the Web Service
- Running the Application
- Creating the Data Store
- Creating the Data Store Actions and Action Creators
- Creating the Shopping Features
- Creating the Product and Category Components
- Connecting to the Data Store and the URL Router
- Adding the Shop to the Application
- Improving the Category Selection Buttons
- Adding the Shopping Cart
- Extending the Data Store
- Creating the Cart Summary Component
- Adding the Cart Detail Component
- Adding the Cart URL to the Routing Configuration
E–Commerce App – Part2 - REST and Checkout
- Consuming the RESTful Web Service
- Creating a Configuration File
- Creating a Data Source
- Extending the Data Store
- Updating the Action Creator
- Paginating Data
- Understanding the Web Service Pagination Support
- Changing the HTTP Request and Action
- Creating the Data Loading Component
- Updating the Store Connector Component
- Updating the All Category Button
- Creating the Pagination Controls
- Adding the Checkout Process
- Extending the REST Data Source and the Data Store
- Creating the Checkout Form
- Simplifying the Shop Connector Component
E–Commerce App – Part 3 - Administration
- Running the Application
- Understanding GraphQL
- Creating a GraphQL Service
- Defining the GraphQL Schema
- Defining the GraphQL Resolvers
- Updating the Server
- Creating the Order Administration Features
- Defining the Order Table Component
- Defining the Connector Component
- Configuring the GraphQL Client
- Configuring the Mutation
- Creating the Product Administration Features
- Connecting the Product Table Component
- Creating the Editor Components
- Updating the Routing Configuration
E–Commerce App – Part 4 - Authentication and Deployment
- Adding Authentication for GraphQL Requests
- Understanding the Authentication System
- Creating the Authentication Context
- Creating the Authentication Form
- Guarding the Authentication Features
- Adding a Navigation Link for the Administration Features
- Preparing the Application for Deployment
- Enabling Lazy Loading for the Administration Features
- Creating the Data File
- Configuring the Request URLs
- Building the Application
- Creating the Application Server
- Testing the Production Build and Server
Stateful Components
- Understanding the Different Component Types
- Understanding Stateless & Stateful Components
- Creating a Stateful Component
- Understanding the Component Class
- Understanding the Import Statement
- Understanding the render Method
- Understanding Stateful Component Props
- Reading State Data
- Modifying State Data
- Avoiding the State Data Modification Pitfalls
- Defining Stateful Components Using Hooks
- Lifting Up State Data
- Defining Prop Types and Default Values
Reconciliation and Lifecycles
- Creating the Components
- Understanding How Content Is Rendered
- Understanding the Update Process
- Understanding the Reconciliation Process
- Understanding List Reconciliation
- Explicitly Triggering Reconciliation
- Understanding the Component Lifecycle
- Understanding the Mounting Phase
- Understanding the Update Phase
- Understanding the Unmounting Phase
- Using the Effect Hook
- Using the Advanced Lifecycle Methods
- Preventing Unnecessary Component Updates
- Setting State Data from Prop Values
Forms and Validation
- Defining the Components
- Starting the Development Tools
- Using Form Elements
- Using Select Elements
- Using Radio Buttons
- Using Checkboxes to Populate an Array
- Using Text Areas
- Validating Form Data
- Defining the Validation Rules
- Creating the Container Component
- Displaying Validation Messages
- Applying the Form Validation
- Validating Other Element and Data Types
- Performing Whole-Form Validation
Using the Data Store APIs
- Understanding Redux
- Using the Redux Data Store API
- Obtaining the Data Store State
- Observing Data Store Changes
- Dispatching Actions
- Creating a Connector Component
- Enhancing Reducers
- Using Data Store Middleware
- Enhancing the Data Store
- Applying the Enhancer
- Using the React-Redux API
- Advanced Connect Features
Unit Testing
- Creating Components
- Running the Application
- Running the Placeholder Unit Test
- Testing a Component Using Shallow Rendering
- Testing a Component with Full Rendering
- Testing with Props, State, Methods, and Events
- Testing the Effect of Methods
- Testing the Effects of an Event
- Testing the Interaction between Components